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  • Microarray Slides

    Luminano Co., Ltd. has been producing top quality microarray slides with chemical functional grouops for biochip applications. Luminano microarray slides have a very high signal intensity with low fluorescence background. Also Luminano microarray slides have consistent, superior surface uniformity with reproducible spot size, shape, and signal intensity. The slides bind an optimal amounts of probe materials minimizing non-specific bindings of the labeled targets. Compared to the products from other companies, Luminano provides the Quality Control Data with the actual number of functional groups in ea/10 nm2 scale and surface contact angles.

    (1) Amine slides

     The amine slides provides active functional amine groups for the initial ionic attachment of the negatively charged phosphate groups in DNA backbone. Also, the basic amine functional groups bind carboxylic functional groups through the acid base interaction. Amine slides are designed to provide optimal performance for microarrays of proteins, antibodies, or peptides.

    LSAM-A is the flat substrate modified with self assembled monolayers which has amine functional groups to facilitate binding of bio-material, such as DNA, protein on the hard surface.

    (2) Aldehyde slides

     LSEP-A have a very high signal intensity and excellent spot morphology and low fluorescence background. The LSEP-A has excellent surface stability and good for the long therm storage or marketing. The number of functional groups can be controlled depending on the probe materials. Generally, surface concentration of 1-5 ea/10 nm2 is provide for the general purpose. Also, the Quality Control Data with the number of functional group and contact angle will be reported to the customers.

    LSAL-A is the flat substrate modified with self assembled aldehyde monolayers for bio-material, such as DNA, protein on the hard surface.

    (3) Epoxy slides

     The epoxy slides provides surface with epoxide ring functional groups that can react with an amine groups or nucleophilic functional group on the spotted material.

    LSEP-A have a very high signal intensity and excellent spot morphology and low fluorescence background. The LSEP-A has excellent surface stability and good for the long therm storage or marketing. The number of functional groups can be controlled depending on the probe materials. Generally, surface concentration of 1-5 ea/10 nm2 is provide for the general purpose. Also, the Quality Control Data with the number of functional group and contact angle will be reported to the customers.

    (5) Quality control with accurate functional groups measurement

    ☆ We provide custom surface. If you need special surface with different substrate materials and performance, please contact us. Our technical staffs will be a good research partner for you products.

    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Open Sans"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Square","Godo","BMDOHYEON","Nanum Gothic"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}