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  • Welcome to  LumiNano

    Luminano, founded in 2004, has focused on the development of surface modification technology in the molecular level.

    We have successfully developed the layering technology of molecules/polymers, oxides/chalcogenizes and their hybrid structures to form nano-level thin films. Luminano is targeting two important directions with our core surface modification thechnology : the one is the chemical surface modification with amine, epoxy, aldehyhe functional groups, and the other is the physical modification to give different semiconducting properties, which can be applied to organix solar cell, OLED, and supercapacitor.

    As a first application : Luminano supplies high quality DNA Chip base glasses ; LSAL, LSAM, and LSEP as well as specially designed surface to adjust biochip maker's special needs. For the lasts four years, we have accumulated the mutal credibility with our customer on the quality of our glass products and technical services.

    As a second application, Luminano currently have prepared superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic surface  with long term stability. Also, we are close to announce the development of third generation solar cells with high performance and low production cost.

    All Luminano members are very proud of our excellency in service and customer satisfaction. Luminano will continue to work hard and smart for the utilization of our core surface modification technology, and to help our customers enhance their leading position in industry.

    Welcome to  LumiNano

    Luminano, since its foundation in 2004, has focused on the development of surface modification technology
    in the molecular level.

    We have successfully developed the layering technology of molecules/polymers, oxides/chalcogenizes and
    their hybrid structures to form nano-level thin films. Luminano is targeting two important directions with
    our core surface modification thechnology : the one is the chemical surface modification with amine, epoxy,
    aldehyhe functional groups, and the other is the physical modification to give different semiconducting
    properties, which can be applied to organix solar cell, OLED, and supercapacitor. 

    As a first application : Luminano supplies high quality DNA Chip base glasses ; LSAL, LSAM, and LSEP
    as well as specially designed surface to adjust biochip maker's special needs. For the lasts four years,
    we have accumulated the mutal credibility with our customer on the quality of our glass products and
    technical services.

    As a second application, Luminano currently have prepared superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic surface
    with long term stability. Also, we are close to announce the development of third generation solar cells with
    high performance and low production cost.

    All Luminano members are very proud of our excellency in service and customer satisfaction. Luminano will
    continue to work hard and smart for the utilization of our core surface modification technology, and to help
    our customers enhance their leading position in industry.

    visit  LumiNano

    서울특별시 성동구 왕십리로 222 한양대학교 자연과학대학 621

    222, Wangsimri ro, Seongdong gu, Seoul, Korea

    Tel.   02-2293-5212       

    Fax.  02-2293-5211

    E-mail. contact@luminano.com

    Kakao. lumibio

    Visit LumiNano

    서울특별시 성동구 왕십리로 222 한양대학교 자연과학대학 621호

    222, Wangsimri ro, Seongdong gu, Seoul, Korea

    Tel.   02-2293-5212       

    Fax.  02-2293-5211

    E-mail. contact@luminano.com

    Kakao. lumibio

    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
    {"google":["Open Sans"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Square","Godo","BMDOHYEON","Nanum Gothic"]}
    {"google":[],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}